Product Overview
Everyone is familiar with the standard garage peg racks that work fine when it comes to hanging tools with D-shaped handles or built-in holes; but that means everything thing else you want to organize - all that odd-sized gear; tools; and equipment - ends up stacked in a corner or leaned against a wall; cluttering your garage or workspace. Gear Tie Dock able Twist Ties solve this problem. Their tough plastic mountable Dock permanently screws into the wall and has a grooved V-shaped opening that securely grips its flexible; durable Gear Tie at any point you attach it. The Gear Tie itself features a grippy rubber surface for extra hold both around your gear and in the Docking Anchor. Just wrap the Gear Tie end around even the most unchangeable items (it's fitted with an integrated loop at one end; which makes hanging and cinching a breeze) and slide the Gear Tie into the Dock.
Buy Gear Tie Dockable 24 Inch. Black from Home Depot